Biografia Imperpheitos

Somos 5 caras (Marcio Biko Vocal, Fernando Duin Bateria, Calucho Baixo,Moyses guitarra,Jb.Junior Guitarra ) que tocam Guitar Rock com influencias bastante amplas que vo desde At the drive-in at Sense Field, passando por Samian, Alkaline Trio, Lifetime, Dag Nasty, Farside, No Motiv entre outros. O grupo resolveu se juntar para tocar rock na garagem do ex-guitarrista Moyses, em Santos - SP. Durante este periodo fizeram varios shows na cidade ate que foram convidados para a inauguracao da casa de show hangar 110 em SP ( ) junto com Gritando HC e CPM22. No comeco as influencias eram bastante punk-rock com bases cruas e letras diretas.Com o tempo a banda amadureceu e o som esta mais encorpado e as influencias sao muito variadas. Escutamos quase todos os tipos de musica que acreditamos contribuir na formacao musical da banda, afirma o vocalista Marcio. A banda ja dividiu o palco com diversas bandas de renome nacional como Pitty, Dead Fish, Gritando HC, CPM22, Nx zero,Fresno,Dance of days,Swithstance, Fonzie(Portugal), Houdini, Ludovic, Calibre 12, Sociedade Armada, Hateen,entre outras. Mas afinal de contas que som o Imperpheitos faz? No gostamos de rotulos, mas vamos pensar. Tocamos rock e nossas letras so em portugues... Pode ser rock nacional?! E pode no ser tambem... Na verdade fazemos um som que gostamos de ouvir ... acho que isso. Mas no algo tao simples assim, a vida nao tao simples assim. Somos imperpheitos todas nossas angustias, anseios, alegrias, tristezas ... refletem-se na nossa musica. pra ouvir ... e sentir. Atualmente a banda se encontra em fase de producao do seu primeiro Cd, contudo ja participou de coletaneas pela Oba! e pela Barulho Records.Banner generated at Pimp-My-Profile.comWe are 5 guys (Marcio Biko-Vocal, Luiz-Drums, Calucho-Bass,Douglas guitar and Jb.Junior-Guitar) that play Guitar Rock with influences that varies a lot, from At the drive-in at Sense Field, going to Samian, Alkaline Trio, Lifetime, Dag Nasty, Farside, No Motive, and many others.The group decided to form a rock band so that we could play rock in Moyses’ garage, in Santos – SP. During this period we had loads of shows in the city and we were even invited to participate in the “Inaugura..ão da casa de show hangar 110” in São Paulo ( together with Gritando HC and CPM22, two very famous brazilian rock bands. In the beginning our influences were mostly based on punk-rock bands with raw bases and direct lyrics, but with time, the band and the music matured a lot, using the influence of more varied bands. “We listen to almost every type of music that we believe will contribute in the musical formation of the band”, says the vocalist, Marcio. The band already shared the stage with many national bands like Pitty, Dead Fish, Gritando HC, CPM22, Nx zero,Fresno,Dance of days,Swithstance, Fonzie (Portugal), Houdini, Ludovic, Calibre 12, Sociedade Armada, Hateen, and many others. But after all, what is Imperpheitos? We play rock with lyrics in Portuguese… can it be a National rock band? Maybe not.. But the truth is that we like to compose music that we like to hear, and that’s about it. It’s something very simple like this, meanwhile, life isn’t as simple. We are “imperpheitos” (“imperphect”), all of our anguish, anxiety, happiness, sadness and so on reflect upon our music. Currently our band is recording our first CD.
Marcio vocal-> Calucho Baixo-> Fernando Duin Batera Jb.Junior Guitar -> Moyses Guitar